Memorial Day 2017
Memorial Day 2017

Memorial Day is unofficially the day that kicks off summer! It is often confused with Veteran’s Day because of their military similarities. While Memorial Day is a time of remembrance of men and women who died while serving, Veteran’s Day celebrates all American military veterans who served – past, present, and future.

People may only see Memorial Day as a time to celebrate with friends and family, and many times we forget about the true meaning behind this sacred day. We forget about the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have fought and died for our country, our freedom, and the freedom of the oppressed all over the world! Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have died while serving our country.

This holiday first emerged after the American Civil War in 1868, where it was originally known as “Decoration Day”. Decoration Day was established by Union soldiers to decorate the graves of fallen Union soldiers with flowers. Both the Union and Confederate soldiers had different days to recognize their fallen, so America finally came together by merging these days together to memorialize the sacrifice of all American soldiers. Thus, Memorial Day became an official day to honor all fallen American soldiers on the last Monday in the month of May.

This Memorial Day, remember the sacrifice that so many men and women have made in the line of duty. It is their sacrifice that has given us the freedom to observe this time with friends and family while picnicking, swimming, tubing, camping, or celebrating other Memorial Day traditions.

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